Please remember to pray for our members who are sick and shut-in. They will appreciate a card, phone call and your prayers.
Irma Barksdale
Dorris Burns
Mildred Byrd
George Carswell
Peggy Dozier
Mother Mae Bell Echols
Thedda Edwards
Deacon Eddie Ewings
Shirley Fernander
Felecia Floyd
Patricia Gray
Karl & Vienna Henderson
Charles King
Annie Belle Mahone
Deacon Larry Mitchell
Hazel Perry
Sharon Pratt
Rev. Anthony Roberts
Betty & Gadisee Roberts
Dean & Earl Scales
Marjorie Swilling
Chloris Turner
Janice Whitaker
Cleveland Greene, husband of Minister Mary Greene
Cass Johnson, our former choir director
Terrance Jones, son of Ben & Loretha Jones
Darryl Williams, son of Sis Patricia Lucas