Tithes, Offerings, Weekly Giving and Contributions can be made with ease online or via mobile apps connected to Mount Calvary Baptist Church. We now accept Zelle (Mt. Calvary's email address (information@atlmtcalvary.org) or our church mobile number (404-236-5678), Cash App ($MCBCacct), Givelify and Online donations that are safe and secure. Choose the one that's best for you.
For additional information or to find out how you can give online through any of the above mentioned apps, please contact Deacon Jonathan Kelly at 404-696-1039 during the church regular office hours. Thank you for your faithful stewardship.
Tithes and offerings may also be mailed directly to the church at 17 Fairburn Rd. SW, Atlanta, GA 30331. Blessings to each one of you.