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June 7, 2023

Greetings MCBC Family and Friends,

I pray that all is well during this time of new beginnings and great expectations. As we continue to navigate our return to In-Person Worship each Sunday, we are mindful that we are still ensuring your safety. The following Covid-19 protocols will continue for our In-Person worship services; Temperature Checks upon entry and Social Distancing while in service. Masks are optional.

Church School begins at 9:00am to accommodate those who would like to make it to worship by 10:30am.

Worship Service will continue to be Live-Streamed; Church School, In-Person and Zoom, and Bible Study by Zoom.

With thankful and grateful hearts, we say thank you for all that you have done during this time of transition; and with Hope and Vision for the Future we move forward.

Be Encouraged! God Sees, Knows and Cares.

Blessings on the Journey,

Pastor Stowers

Please join us each Sunday at 10:30 AM via Facebook Live for our virtual worship experience. You can connect with us by clicking on the Facebook icon on the website. If you have a Facebook account, connect with us at You can also join by way of teleconference. The number is 1-267-807-9495 and the code is 702229642#. Please call the church office at 404-696-1039 on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 10 AM to 3 PM if additional assistance is needed.

Join us for Church School each Sunday at 9 AM by way of Zoom.

Adults Meeting ID # 862 5605 0450 and passcode is 098320

Mobile #'s 1-312-626-6799 or 1-301-715-8592

Youths Meeting ID# 823 7747 6552 and passcode is 577169

Mobile #'s 1-646-558-8656

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